Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5tue ssg711 mioprkpprsoup hkmdrvthru

8 711 greengar exp 9may not in yet, only exp 8 may so din buy
bot gar choc bread 4d5 exp10may so that it lasts longer if go by exp date
and bot 1 gar? banana walnut muffin 1d5 so tot 6 no need change
- order mio ssg pepper prk stomach soup mihun and
- went yokchoypo look at bread no new bread so din buy anything
- saw tuxedo and graywhite sibling looking for food at the car parking lot in front of tmwn prkmistall so cham but ai din bring food and din go spdmrt buy fd for them so just left them - going to turn into feeder soon ah? prev saw tuxedo is 11apr so is 24 days ago so hopefully tuxedo is happy.
-  collect mio ssg ppr prk stomach soup 8
821 share eat mio ssg ppr prk stomach soup
1020 Two slices of gardenia whole meal bread and one slice of sprouted 7-grain rainbow bread with 8 of 12 Texas tender. 4 to clear
10ish went to drv thru pickup cmhpmds hkm
1151 start from cmh
1337 - Ate one slice of the layered cake. cut the cake into 6 slices so each of us has 3 slices each.
1621 - Time to start clearing the Honey Butter Biscuit from Texas chicken. 9 of 10 so 8 to go. One a day so it takes 8 days. It is sweet and salty at the same time and doughy too. One will be full.
1638 - Could not resist eating another slice of this cake before ending meals for the day. So have eaten all 3 slices of share. No more food after this and do not feel hungry at all becausehave eaten too much sugary food on this day.
19ish wash top
watch finale of s3 westworld
- dreamt 2 knight horse
-- dark cat injured eating food in ping xiang fang
-- eat mao san wong no taste so kena liao so lost sense of taste
- 4x ctdty on diz day

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