Saturday, August 3, 2019

3sat mmll ssghkmi

1. brkfst bread red bean paste n copi
2. fd wtpouch prodiet
3. mmll 943 to  1442 rm5
- wnt to look at mlya cafe in place of toast bx, not open
- popcorn use disposable chpstck n spoons - ltr only know iz due to conserve water
-- prkmi std 8d5 (50)
- mji look at bdsht q size rm199 got 2 times points no more bd mth 2xpoints
-- 3 types tshirt cloth, plain or gauze (most exp) chose beige colour n tshirt cloth cos iz smooth
- plycndy
- go to let know got wtr conserve cos many pails
- mo agrc abigroc
- jmo ate ytf plktm
- no smrthrt chk+crabstick+rice  n chk+carrot+rice a wants offer 1d2 each
- amx py di bi kay el x 2 39x n 14x so 5xx got 2 recycle bags, yay!
- went ptwrld bot 5 smrthrt each of a wanted so 10x1d32 so 13d2
- agroc chk got wor normal price 1d4 but when chk price is 1d19 so ouch could have saved 1d3
- ahchng nl n cham 10d9+6sst 3d9+ tot 15d7 (50)
- abg bot box 8d9 n 2 prodiet 1tuna 2salmonmackerel x 1d45 so 2d9, 1 smrthrt chkricesardine
- jygrcr mo 2bags 1kg cherries x 49d9 got 1 bag for 2 bags
- bottle kwt 24mei 5 (50)
- hogan bagel half price for 2 cranberry bagel 3d5+ so 3d7
4. bek fd cmt 5biji 5biji 5biji then give tuna until cmt too full 16ish
5. chk chrry got rosak ate 14
6. 6pm out to mmckng but sked jam so went ssghkmi but smelly so tp home
- wtnhormihoon too much gravy 8 not nice
- hkmi nice 8 kept half in fridge
cmt in kept miaow miaow but ignore and went out
 7. 630 wen bek, cmt ate rike chkn feet stlks cos ai only c bones left
- long tongue kept licking
- gv long open mouth grin
- then wash face so no gv eat
8. ate wtnhor not nice
9. brush teeth, wsh face, wsh vansm hppybd, wstop
10. ply new ftbll
11. this blg
12. do vsl stdio

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