Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Tue15 swhg lousang treat

1. swhg 15.3
- b felt better no more fvr so went out to eat at near 9am and ai accompany
- panmi 6.5 hnt 1d8 pck nasiayam 7
2. lunch 369d05 ai sub 240
trydrv, agl, xy,
- lou fruity yi sang
- 3 dimsum, kingmai, scallop, har gou
- broccoli ching chou
- waxed meat rice red sausage, liver sausage, duck meat
- nestum salted egg prawns , can't see the nestum
- charsiew
- ai pack bal of 3 tblspn waxed rice and 2/3 charsiew bek

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