Friday, October 26, 2018

j11 a29 swhg rnnrcf

**backpost 30102018 tue
1. Brkfst
- swhg 8d3
-- hnt 1d8 panmi 6d5
2. lunch runner cafe tmn prmnt 29d2
- agl suggest anyjcm2agldrvtrymi
- think long long bot quino smoked salmon 19 aglgot vouchers 10per off so 16d20 only
== got 1 vouchers for 10per off n agl gave 1 more
3. shbd so botcake from one half x ilaiki (next to awesome cafe)
salted caramel chocolate cookie cake
rm13 share half so rm6d5
4. swiss cheese plant - monstera deliciosa
5. walk to gnt bot longmass n greengar

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