Thursday, March 9, 2017

jb2 1u dino

- 510 open ice
- 548ish off bd make copi for b eat with digestive biscuits
- 648ish pkpj
- 740ish to 1550ish 9hrs so 6 from cd 4hrs1 and 1hr1 so 6
- thw 9only open so ate mcd set chg to milo extra 90c wvwv11ish fishfillet gavej the hshbrwn
- 9ish longq 4 lift n wait
- 930ish listen in to miters cht agrmt
- future loan value jpnmeang is lumphugeamt at end, ownsetdwnpymnt, can make extra bns pymt
- hln sde los
- 1230 left with miters
- 1350 finish lunch mmisn 3sets leanhiresetdaikonleek, bnormprkdaiknleek, j5oysterset 12xish?
- 1415 agroc 15oranges18d5nt, greengarbread3d2, hifiber9d99, pgpgcrackers 4d7, saladoffer6,
-- tookelhalfdayafternoon
-- rtby 2d65 mocha 2d85 walnutbread4mo 3d7 tt 9d2
near5 bek
- b bot dinodino special 289
- renew crlicnc 92d1

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