Sunday, September 4, 2016

Labi pm noc thorn ilw

see swhg see

52d7 44d45 34d8 tt 131d95
6 7 5d2 16d6 tt 34d8

168 122 k50 1d35 341d35 k150

vfuel 19l 1d75 tt 33d25

- 9 up
- swhg
-- mai sjc 7 boring so ate with cili no next time
-- b panmi 6 no drk cos no one asked since we tap toi
-- tapao siewbao 1d7 kayapuff 1d6 hamdanso 1d9 tt 5d2
- bek replabiyno oc n dingdongdingdong a bit
- sgtgrseload ulubmaiornot
- learn mingwan but dinget tune for verse
- b loud cos stress wen due to fam cos got thorn
-- got headache and nap
- 3ish ate kayapuff share
- near 4 went thaikptm 5sc 6gst tt 16d6 ai niam a bit cos too hot to eat
-- prk leg rice 10d9 12d13
-- bamboo chestnut drink (sweet and not much of anything else) 4 4d45
- vfuel 19l x 1d75
- imm bek 5 to 6 oao
- sew trousers
- ffa
- 730 shr red orange
- 8 b ate siewbao and greentea n v shr hamdanso
- 9 to 1130 schdl 6psts
- 1145 plan2sleep

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