Saturday, November 28, 2015

groc day

- wup 7ish
- drop plastic, cardboard, tins to portal
- ate thw tot c2d 57ish
-- 4inbasketsiumai, horyipfan, mangololo, dantart, 3choykau nodrks foc 2osmanthus jelly
- abig bot
-- j murnioil, 5krice, 3garkaya, 1kgkong, 2cintami off 1each, 1tcboytuna off 1each
-- b 2kf, redrice, soysauce, sesameoil, oystersauce, garlic, bread seswhite, multig, butter, etc
- abot
-- j 3x10 lowsalt jcb
-- m 1x10 lowsalt jcb, org, forgot eggs
-- b vege lots,
-- prkmtballs, meat
- herbal drk 25
- prk just after bit 5
- drop off items to m
- tapao gosang but like invisible too many people so waited a while not yet and more q so left drizzling start
- b back cintmi egg

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