Saturday, October 3, 2015

White aday

- lucky saw them
- supposed to go m2diy buy scraper so planned to eat at yyl but no parking ended up park at corner shop so ate there b2 prkmi not nice cos prk not fresh 5d5 mai soup wtm 5d5 chamhot 1d7
- laundry tops 1bottom few pieces only bwater mgo it left 1300ish
- vfuel twice cos dinswipe blinkcd bot yogurt strawberry ic 2d5
- tongsui shop 1hcp 1rbcp 1mk x1 =3, tongsui small redbean, green bean, beehoon curry chic tot 10d2
- back clean clean clean white soil throw throw throw oldman push cdbd in wheelbarrow to where?
- light bulb suddenly on, they came from the autogate wiring tube mop
- topup b2 ate yesterday rbcp mai milobread
- 7ish walk2with black bags recycle
- tapao wongsong friedrice siewyoke 7
- once all over
- 1 cara 1small org brush ttth

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