Sunday, February 15, 2015

Want you to buy buy buy

- slept at 2 ish last nite
- morning b2wup at 8ish
- 930ish left feedwheels7
- pick up
- direct there
- not open yet so ate at ncolor set b, tt, 2halfboiledeggs, nlpacket 7d95 tot 8d45
- just opening everyone rushed in
- bot prk2packs, fish siakap, 10ish, merah 1 price 18.90
- bot 4niankou2.2 2pisang1.2 foc 1 pisang
- 5 curry puff x 2 discount 50c so 9.5, muttonx3x2.5 so 17
- 2 packs of 2 red angku x 2.6 so 5d2
- 1 x 100 ezy chilli 13
- direct back parking with card 1only ate 1 mutton curry puff in car = oily
- drop by to see and store - ice not melted, mkt ngheongfen,
- out again tkopitiam 2x9d9 price 2x6d9 prkbllmi, 2x3d5 lemongrass drink 1 hot 1 cold tot 40d6 5++ 42d65 jsub 20
- back sat chat count ate amazon fruit yellow
- left 5ish ai finish drinking one week old passionfruit? md drink so brushed teeth
- staggered eat 1nian gao, po2, half chicurrypuff, 1bananafried, 2 kams
- caught up candy, onlpd mwtr, seelc, pdadv 88
- got7frmj

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