Saturday, December 13, 2014

fu tiao qiang

- wup 9
- left 944 feed wheels
- iron river to valuation 4.7
- valuation to band gee 2.2
- kjg to iron river 1.80
- eat loads once in a lifetime
- went to new mll
- tc chendol again 4x5.90, assam laksa 8.9, tchew rojak 7.90 tot 4040
- left p2 no cr so tot cr gone cos went down one so p1 n p2 turned out lg n p1
- went up 2p1 fnd cr
- 3vt no so no go sky park 1ct
- bck eat tapao me
- bck ftbll
- nice dur mini tart 6 for 5.4

1. 2biji harry ketam 39.80
2. ctea 4 x 1.5 = 6
3. towel 4x80c = 3.2
4. 49, 69, 99
5. 4x7 prawns ball 28
6. lohon zhai 18 small
7. 1px fhbihun 18
8. fuchow dry mee 20 small
9. meesuah redwine 20 small
10. siu,mai yucks 5.8
11. laosarbao 4.8
tot 380.60++ 422.45
5per sc
6per gt

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