Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Food reason

- wup 945 got ready
- eat, eat, eat with reasons
- ons, ccf 2 = 3 hargao, add ccf2 kosong 80cx2
- popiah no bawang fried nicer 4
- copiping 2
- kttng 55, assamlaksa 55
- left 1130 still go
- who wants you? 12 to 1337
- got watermelon and pop
- changed, break
- left 1357 ish
- gotdown 1420, no passing thru so parked and waited
- went g6-3 then call
- went g3-3 done 1447
- seems can get unless other int better suited
- dunno a gil eand you am el
- went eat fish ss b2 eat cendol and drink park 60c
- then tapao village prk 9
- tapao p 16.9 bf, 11.9 spi, 11.9 lb

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