Friday, March 28, 2014

D3 rm7 stay 50nan do

- mmll 9.59 till 5.10 7+ hours so 2 (for first 3 hours) + 5 so rm7
- pcrab ccf 9.4
-ncolor abc 4.8, copiocold 3, ubi sago 1, seri muka 1, 6pergt
- pt chk ally 7ish
- visit all 3 hotels lobby to lokc lokc
- dso, abig, a, eat 50 voucher extra 21.80 drink 8.9 set 1 ch+4reg chips, coleslaw, grilled vege, medirice 53
- care daf got another 5 voucher use before 74
- no water as per schedule after 4 days not applied
- coconut 4.3 juice very sweet, flesh a bit hard
- dinner just bread and chef mamee for b2
- use the new pack and no wings and oh so thick and what!? with pink love design on the sides and back, so confusing, to see if seep or not

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