Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dinner eat in 18/22 b4

B2 eat dusual aj but price increased 50c for nla to 5.5 and nkt is still at 1.6 because previously it has increased its price by 10c - the price used to be 1.5 so tot 7.1 but give 10c discount so 7. Cut hair 12 and tapao wong song lunch pai kuat wong 6. Mai lunch same as yesterday but without pointing again at the bell pepper - pointed at them in the first place. The piece of chicken is smaller but is cddmeat so 4 still higher than previously so conclusion is in the holy month food prices go up.

Searched for silen cer grinding making rent village place picnic girl finally found it the usa merry can.
Picked up 5.07ish due to traffic. Back direct. B2 finished the satay fish snack which tastes very sweet to mai. Then a bowl of g apple, orange, pecan, walnut, almond and raisin. Then footie and then a cup of minestum. Mai ate 2 slices of garmultigrain bread with ooil. the very little g apple, orange, pecan and almond. After footie, started eating the pecan home sweet new cereal - very sweet and not that nice. Must remember not to buy it again.

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