Thursday, February 7, 2013


Plan to go eat udon at kamphc aborted when workers came to paint gate so went on our own to exchange. Lunch at home made fish head noodle. Fresh Prawn Fish Head without milk 17.50 and fried garoupa vege soup 15.30 plus sc 10 percent total 36.10

Exchange for 2 nkmr n1 and n2 (one each RM18) so total RM36 - RM15.90 = RM20.1 and went to buy some mushrooms cans. Left at 1.15ish when reach 10.35 and took the curve to kent - wrong move - very very slow movement with crisscrossed traffic so this route is banned.

Tapao dinner from HK roast again - this time braised chicken thigh rice with half egg and half tofu and beans sprout. Shared for dinner. 7.9++ so 8.35 total.

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