Sunday, October 2, 2011

2full4 mcdsupper

s:j j 95(1045) c 76 (1130) 78 (1715)

wup very early 7ish so milo42 withmilk4mi soaked crackers - very sweet. Mini laundry boxes and 3 outers. Nap. cpsk 2chapfan 8. Loan critters 1130 to 2 gardening with jbrought over plants. Sporadic droplets of rain. 4 matches. Read 1st chap danny champion of the world. Nap till woken up 5 for dinner. Pit stop bought supper mcd big fries 3.6, apple pie 2. 6%gt tot 5.95 changed plans to red tea so drop by khds tea for 2 at 3, congee century egg 4, 2 bbq paos (I ate 1/3) 4, pai kuat 4.5, 2bamboo dumplings 4.5, 2 fishballs 4, lotus leaf glurice 4mi 4, 3 deep fried yam kok 3.6 I ate all - not nice cos no yam paste in the pastry - just a thin layer pastry which is deep fried super hard so never again, 5% st, 6% gt tot 35.1 online cupcake wars 2 epl still full so no eating mcd supper into the fridge to be eaten as breakfast tom early morning if I can wake up.

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