Monday, January 17, 2011

One stay in recup

1000 wup, ask going to sl as planned? One wrote not well so don't feel like driving. Phone the calvary for help and help is going to be on the way so went to cook congee - the last cup of rice. 1130 Calvary arrived, dropped off the tofu moi 2 and canned braised groundnuts 1.3 and off we went to cfep. Buy 128 get 5 so split 2 carts with one 135 and mine 129.85 with another 11.20 for pribs worth 11.22 and that all took 3 hours so parking 1 and left at 3pm. Also bought sea coconut 177ml 7.9 only at sea-o outside and one got chicooking wine 640cc 18.90 which was reimb. One dropped everything off and left. Cooked 4 salty eggs one smell real bad. Nap 1730 to 1900. Eat congee salty eggs. Cleaned up everything. Very tired. No online. 2230 both sleep wo ac got up once for br and after another 1 hour fell asleep.

1130: 4573 6kw totkm: 0 use kem 2rem: cook congee cough cough

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