Friday, August 20, 2010

Lay round dy

Slept till nearly 11 and went for lunch yms 2 chapfan and tea 9.4 and back to nap. Review to check for culprit - it was yesterday 19 Aug 10 (Thurs) at 1831 a girl with a pony tail (around 13-15 years old) with a white and orangy brown dog (sp says it is a beagle, I think could be a Jack Russell terrier) and it did its business at the grass patch outside our utilities meters. So uncivic minded. Then online surf and very hungry so early dinner with ho for 2 wanted marmite fish but was given curry fish slice ok nevermind one sotong curry rice and 1 drink 12.20 so back at 1830. Went to see Keris E orange cab in Route 3. Walked all around 1 to 5 only. 1 and 2 very lived in. 2 units just sold in 1 and being renovated - opp 40 and no. 7. For 2 the endlot extensively reno house is vacant - waiting for process to be completed I think. For 3 and 4 there are signs of houses being rented out - due to the unkept plot of garden strip. Also there are many intermediate units that are vacant for 3 and 4, more than 5. On the main street facing west there is the one vacant corner lot next to 7b. Came back a little after 7 and glued. Online surf till late with break for crunching. Feel like binging but nothing for me to binge on.

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