Monday, April 26, 2010

Jam 2h back got d call

Last night slept at 12.30am Monday wee morning. This morning open eyes 4.25a and then got up at around 5.35a and wash the bottom of the PET bottle. Left at 6.32a because I misplaced the green bunch of keys. I put them with vkeys.

Reached about 7.11am. Mrt onsite whole day. Self again. Lone lunch went browsing for toys under RM5 to include but cannot get. Stuffed with 3 red ang kus 2 and then saw promo 3 buns get 1 free so tapau 3 sausages almond roll and 1 mayonaise sausage roll, all 1.80 each so total 5.40 and went back to eat two. Very heavy chic smell. Got 2 L eggs 4.39, potatoes 6 around 2.91 and weekly bread 3.

One went breakfast A 6, gardening 48.4 and dinner lone vege rice dish 13.70 and put in 3 pots of croc tongue.

Got call at 13.47 about getting fax today and will get the checking done tomorrow so within 3 days have to pass keys so ask to hand over keys to eagle but I want to be personal so arrange 3 day 8 night so have to finish pack.

Got call from one about internal t and told and send e but nothing back. Left on dot and saw one mazda prem. Dunno about vta or vtl.

Turn left into uia road front and lots cars. In left lane to go up bridge. Not moving. Only close up know about the closure so got to force to go into all the left to go down traffic light, turn right pass csa and left to decide hilton or crystal and took crystal. Then decision again amcorp or fed. Took the fed. At least it is moving 5km/hour. Then another decision okr or sbnkl. Managed to move left so okr it is. Fast moving. Decision time again, which way back from okr. Since I am way at the 2nd most right lane I decide to go straight into pg and use the usual way tyl back. Since it was already 7.15p when I get there so traffic is moving but slowly like usual. Reached 7.25p. Later found due to burst pipe and earth, water shot out from ground, few hosp, few cars damaged.

Rested and ate the remaining 2 buns. Left at about 9pm. Packed like crazy. Got almost everything we want back except for a few things (wfil, fflowers, coffeegpot, recycboxes, recycpapers, trolley). Back to keep trolley. Two more trips and it is goodbye forever. Left at 11.30pm so thirsty and all soaked. Bboil water. Started? Put one. Went main at 12.50am. knock out.

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