Monday, January 4, 2010

pandan leaves not indah

Woke up at 9 something to a notice that the pick up has been delayed to afternoon. Went to YMS for lunch 9.4 and back to wash the water. Sort online papers a bit and time to go. Misunderstanding and miss the entry so took detour and back to same place. Did the drop and pan not opened so ate at Yang Moi beef noodles. Parking 1. Small is small portion 5 and 6. Still the town is best but this beef balls are not that salty. Packed beef stew (large) 8.5 and 5 water dumplings. Pork balls not to expert's taste buds 2.5. Sugar cane drinks 3. Tot 30. Traffic jam home with rice pack 1.50 and nap with a full stomach for around 1 hour. Reheat for dinner at 8 something. Must remember not to buy large anything. Too much is not nice. The beef stew was a bit overly salty and the beef chunks a bit tough and due to my not-hungry state, it was not a nice meal. Online sorting again and games and reading the battle with neuroblastoma. So next time anyone complains of anything, I will ask them, would you fight to live on if you have terminal illness. If yes, then you should not complain now. Just savour all that life has to offer you now, be it good or bad since you would fight to live in this world which means you like it here, so savour your life, and do something instead of sitting here and complaining to me.

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