Friday, October 31, 2008

A day lost?

She wanted to sleep in but had to get out of bed when her phone started ringing.
J: "Hello H, I called you at the office and they told me that you are having a day off. Do you remember you owe Bee Yin Han a lot of money and you promised her that you will return her money by today? I'm just calling you to remind you of this. We can go see her together and then have lunch."
H (Still feeling sleepy): "Ok. I'll swing by to pick you up around 11am."
So she got ready, went and picked J up. Then both of them went to see Bee and paid up. After that, the three of them ate lunch at a restaurant in a tall people-oriented building. She reached home at about 2pm because she had to drop J off. She then spent the rest of her second day off work catching up on a TV series that she didn't have time to watch during her work days. Soon she developed a headache from watching 6 hours of TV non-stop and had to get a takeaway for dinner. Winter was imminent - the fourth season in a year but yet living in a country near the equator, the weather was as hot as it can be. She went to bed at night with a throbbing head.

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